Go Softly

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Debra Plett

7 months ago

That is a winning shot Heather. I love the composition, tones and the pose of the little bird. You can see a little bit of a spider web under the bird, I wonder if he has picked up on a spider. I would certainly include this picture in you collage. It is very special.

Heather Mellon

7 months ago

Thank you so much, Debra, very much appreciated. This opportunity came so unexpectedly as many of our favorite shots do I think. I suspect he lucked out on catching something because he flew off right after the next shot I got. It was a memorable few minutes for me and the photo will be well worth adding to the collage.

Clifford Dupuis

7 months ago

beautifully captured action shot of this guy and through a window. amazing textures and details

Heather Mellon

7 months ago

Thank you so much, Clifford, always appreciated. I'm glad now that I didn't get around to removing those dead branches.. the birds love them and I always get the best view of them on that part of the little tree.

Yves Langlois

7 months ago

Right into the action, bravo Heather. May be the window produce that soft colour tone effect. I love it very much. And of course, the young warbler is a real cuty. This would make a very nice 20x30 inches frame on a wall.

Heather Mellon

7 months ago

Thank you so much, Yves. The sky was very overcast and the lighting was spotty. Plus the window was steamed up a little from a dramatic overnight change in temperatures. I'm working on a collage of a few of my favorite bird photos for the wall so I really appreciate your suggestion.. this might just be one of the photos I include in it.

Yves Langlois

7 months ago

Right into the action, bravo Heather. May be the window produce that soft colour tone effect. I love it very much. And of course, the young warbler is a real cuty. This would make a very nice 20x30 inches frame on a wall.

Taken through my kitchen window. Quickly and ever so softly I dove across the room for the camera praying this little beauty would still be there when I got back. Fortunately I was able to get a very few photos before the little yellow-rumped warbler sped off..
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
August 6, 2024
yellow rumped warbler gleaning for insects animal bird finch beak plant eye branch twig wood tree fawn
  • Focal: 220
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

Other Photos by Heather